Don't let anyone tell you what you do or don't deserve. People voted with their hearts. I come here to see fun, interesting, and--yes--sometimes heartwarming and uplifting use of the medium (the web/NG not just animation). Your piece was all those things. Yes technical skill and effort are a thing. So is how a piece makes you feel. Yours made me happy. Since I'm an **shole, it's even more impressive. Don't take any guff from these swine and keep it up. If you want to opt out of awards, so be it, but I was glad the P-bots lead me to watch your loop.
Well, what can I say: "Voting on stuff" is collaborative work. The community has voted your work with a lot of 5s (I guess) and this is the result.
'If' you want to 'avoid' getting awards for these kinds of works in the future, you can click the little checkmark that states that you'd like to opt out of awards for this particular submissions: (as @Anonymous-Frog will not get tired to remind us of.)
I think most of the "fault" here lies with the community though, as illustrated beautifully in this animation from 2023:
Thx for the tip! I don't usually post movies and should've clicked that check mark